Welcome to the MTM Tiger Tutoring and Online Writing and Reading Lab

Motto: Where Tigerific Things Happen!

使命宣言: The mission of the MTM Tiger Tutoring Online Writing and Reading Lab is to provide writing aid to TSU students in all disciplines across campus. Our goal is for TSU students to grow into independent writers and editors. The Tiger Writing Lab will provide them with writing techniques that will allow them to edit their papers independently before submission.

The writing lab and tutorial assistance are for any student needing writing help at any stage of the writing process. 你一定是个 目前 录取的学生.



  • 学生 must sign-in with TSU sign-in information
  • 学生 may drop in at any time to see a tutor. 学生 can come to the Writing Lab or online for a 15–30-minute tutorial session(s) up to 3 times each week, 但一天不能超过一次.
  • Tutors will review and offer suggestions for paper corrections. It is your discretion to edit assignments. We give advice based on writing guidelines and essay content.
  • 学生 must bring a copy of the assignment or essay prompt and a hardcopy (typed) of the paper for in person appointments. 然而, 用于在线亲自协助, you must submit a draft of the paper accompanied with prompt and your writing concerns. You can request an online virtual tutorial session.
  • Tutors will review mid-terms, essay exams or final exams assignments.
  • To maintain the learning environment, we ask that all patrons silence cell phones and disruptive devices while in the lab. If you need to take a phone call, please step out of the lab into the main hallway.
  • The lab will not hold writing tutorial session within 15 minutes of closing. You will have to submit paper online.
  • Papers submitted require 24–48-hour turnaround to return your paper after reviewing. We ask that you submit papers early.

Note: The Tiger Writing Lab offers suggestions for improving the content of the paper structure based on MLA or APA guidelines and rhetorical stylistic development.

周一至周五:上午10点.m. - 5:00p.m. (午餐休息时间:中午十二时至下午一时.m.)
Faculty advisors are waiting to hear from you!
本科指导老师是杨先生. 吉达文( Daveon.Gee@weareallnerds.com), and the graduate advisor is Dr. 迈克尔·本森( (.Benson@weareallnerds.com).


With general questions about the writing lab, send email to tigerowl@weareallnerds.com. With specific concerns, contact Tiffany L. Ware, Director of the MTM Tiger Writing Lab

克莱本街3100号,MLK 252
713-313-7981 | 蒂芙尼.ware@weareallnerds.com
