令人难以置信的领导 & Professional Development Opportunities Available

学生 interested in an incredible leadership opportunity that will afford you the opportunity to network with state leaders and enhance your resume, please read and respond accordingly to the job opportunities listed below.

Non-Voting Student Regent for the 托国立校董会s

The Student Regent position is a non-voting participant on the 校董会 representing all the students of 德克萨斯南方大学. The Student Regent serves a one-year term commencing June 1 and ending May 31. The Student Regent is appointed by the Governor and has the same powers and duties as the members of the 校董会, 除了投票, 提出或支持动议的, 并被计算以确定法定人数. 因此, the position affords you the opportunity to wield influence upon policies and decisions that directly affect the quality of life for the entire 德克萨斯南方大学 community.

The Student Regent also represents the interests of the students, 大学, and the State of Texas by taking advantage of the opportunity to serve on special commissions, 任务部队, 和委员会. 此外, 参与摄政活动, including orientation sessions conducted by the 总督办公室 and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, provides even more opportunities to work with state-level leaders as a respected colleague.

资格, an individual must be enrolled and in good standing as an undergraduate or graduate student at 德克萨斯南方大学, possess a minimum grade point average of 2.5, and maintain this minimum performance level throughout his/her term. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents of the State of Texas and who have a general knowledge of the functions of the 校董会. 

Non-Voting Student Representative to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the state’s major policy board for all higher education, is recruiting for the appointment of a Non-Voting Student Representative to the Board. The position’s term begins June 1 and ends May 31. The student representative must commit to fulfilling all board-related responsibilities during their term of service, including attendance at no less than 3 of the 4 quarterly board meetings. The student representative enjoys the same rights as a regularly appointed board member, except the right to vote or be counted towards a quorum for official board business. The student representative serves without compensation, 然而, shall be reimbursed by the Coordinating Board for expenses incurred during official board business.


To apply for the 托国立学生董事 and/or Coordinating Board Non-Voting Student Representative position, 下载申请并提交到 斯特林学生中心,218室. 学生办公室 生活 & 订婚 must receive completed applications by 5:00 p.m. 1月19日.

学生 must complete the 德克萨斯南方大学 Application and The State of Texas Applications:

的问题, 联系伊薇特·巴克, 临时AVP学生生活和参与, 斯特林学生中心, 218套房. 
